
Coming into counseling for the first time can be a stressful experience, even if you have been in counseling before it can be a stressful event just going to see a new counselor.  At Transcript Ministries, we understand that and try to make the experience as easy and comfortable as possible.  That is why this section of the website is one of the biggest section.  We want you to know what to expect so that it is as easy an experience as can be.

Ever wonder what its really like?  Find out what real clients are saying about counseling at Transcript Ministries in the testimonial section.

In our busy lives its sometimes hard to do something that takes an hour out of our week or more when you add in travel and preparation time.  That's why we use an online solution that is safe and secure to bring the counseling to you.  Learn more about online counselingand what options you have for a busy schedule.

Counseling at TM:

Got Questions? Find out answers to some of those questions in the FAQ Section.